I will comment on each principle. Kanso - Nothing is more important than simplicity. Note that modern culture hates simplicity and calls anything simple "simplistic". When programming, try to write code that modern scum will hate and will call "simplistic". Fukinsei - Obviously asymmetry doesn't apply because code isn't geometric. But irregularity does apply. The point is that when programming, don't be rigid and always do things the same way. Instead, relax and program naturally. This will produce minor irregularities even when programming the same concept. That is fine, and prevents you from getting stuck. You will subconsciously improve your style by programming this way. Shibui/Shibumi - Directness isn't quite the same as simplicity. By combining simplicity with directness, you make code as readable as possible. Elaboration just clouds things, so leave it out. Shizen - Forced code is bad. If you struggle with code, something is wrong. Code should look natural, like a simple expression of whatever the code is doing. No tricks or shortcuts, just simple natural code. Yugen - Good code doesn't handle all imaginable cases. Instead, it handles the required cases in a way that is generalizable as needed. So the code suggests how to handle other cases without actually handling them. Datsuzoku - Reject all formulas and don't be restricted by conventions. Just relax and try to write the best possible code. Ignore rules, especially the programming beliefs of modern culture (which are virtually all wrong). Seijaku - Code should not be exciting. It should be plain, almost boring. It should make the problem being solved look like nothing special, just a simple thing implemented with simple steps. My views on programming can be seen in Luan: http://www.luan.software/ https://mikraite.arkian.net/Core-Programming-Principles-td1237.html https://www.presentationzen.com/presentationzen/2009/09/exposing-ourselves-to-traditional-japanese-aesthetic-ideas-notions-that-may-seem-quite-foreign-to-most-of-us-is-a-goo.html