Everything is a virtual machine The idea is from the book - some oldschool one. Everything is virtual machine - the OS is easier virtual machine giving us the IOs of the hardware. The frameworks is easier virtual machine giving us IO's of the virtual/metal below one level. The frameworks ducktaping other frameworks are also virtual machines abstracing the stuff below. The algoritm/code is a virtual machine you create for the user - inside the code there is memory/global variables, data pathways as functions. Basically the repeating structure of Von Neumann computer model which stays the same from the 1950s: The similarities between real computer and one function : int* f(a,b){ int* c = malloc(a); c[0] = b+1; return c; } RAM <---> local variable C which gets destroyed after function quits, same as RAM when we turn off the PC Inputs[ keyboard, mouse ] <---> Arguments[ a, b ] Outputs[ screen, sounds ] <---> Information [ pointer, b+1 ] Architecture [ Data buses, registers ] <---> [ Algoritm inside, variables used ] -------- It kinda soothes to have this knowledge. Knowing that a lot of bullshit in software industry is the same self repeating abstractions pretending to mask some magic behind the buzzwords. Always strip the bullshit to essentials. What I find despicable is the modern trend of the elitism behind knowing the latest bullshit trends. Basically some code monkey learns to type couple of API's and search stackoverflow. Glueing code which gets complex to manage but nobody exposes naked king. Cargo cults of good practices design patterns OOP. Some of it is gatekeeping - older coders protect the market from competition. Some of it is the cancer of people thinking they are smart. Don't be this guy. Save the world from complexity. Strip to the essentials and simplify. And if someone smart will say that nobody has the time to learn what's under the hood. Fuck you.