Code clarity Self describing code is the ideal. Like SQL - see it, understand it. Too much advice on the net about it. Best practices, patterns.. etc.. Learning is a slow process. Must be. Otherwise data will become only noise. I need to understand what I read. Apply. See results. Extract meanings from it. Best practices, don't use var use const. Use MVC pattern, use this framework. Why? Because modern devs do that. Still do PHP? That's so yesterday, do it on cloud - AWS. Containers/Kubernetes, CI/DI. Big boy stuff. Spring Boot, ASP.NET.. What about frontend? Typescript, React, Webpack.. Can't deploy? Read this manual, search stack overflow.. Edit this config in ubuntu. The OS version.. Reinstall this dependency. Fuck what's next? Maybe I will have to recompile whole OS? Just in order to fit future framework demands? Do people understand the shit they code? For me it seems everybody just pretends. The tooling, the big buzzwords. Fuck that - I want to understand what I do. Too much time wasted learning the wrong way. Like - want to learn datascience? PYTHON. Install this dependency injector, then scipy. It ain't working. Well that's the part of it. Spend 6hours browsing stackoverflow for fix. What about just oldschool math book. Just C. Just some random array. See what I can infer. I've met a dude - the big brained asian. He is in hi end company. ML. The project? They are writing the front end for framework. The toolchain got too complex for them. So they are writing code for handling it. The code who handles the code of tools. Yep. The nonsense is real. The managers. The ones who cannot code but wanna control. They infect whole process by micromanagement. I will build and own my own product. I will sell code. For other coders. And the clarity. It will be there. When you understand the DOMAIN. The MODEL is clear. No fog. No bloat.