State space search problem math equations and Die Hard movie I have a state A. I have operations A -> AB AB -> BB B -> AAA Can I make symbol ABA from initial symbol A? I have math expression 5x. Given all math operations can I transform it to 10x? All of these are state space search problems. I have the code. Given the initial inputs will it reach the state on infinite looping? There is 3 and 5 gallons of jugs. How to get 4? TLA+ ----MODULE states---- EXTENDS Integers VARIABLES s,b typeOK == s \in 0..3 /\ b \in 0..5 Init == s = 0 /\ b = 0 FillBig == b' = 5 /\ s' = s FillSmall == s' = 3 /\ b' = b EmptyBig == b' = 0 /\ s' = s EmptySmall == s' = 0 /\ b' = b SmallToBig == IF b + s >= 5 THEN s' = s + b - 5 /\ b' = 5 ELSE s' = 0 /\ b' = b + s BigToSmall == IF b+s >= 3 THEN b' = b + s - 3 /\ s' = 3 ELSE b' = 0 /\ s' = b + s Next == FillBig \/ FillSmall \/ EmptyBig \/ EmptySmall \/ SmallToBig \/ BigToSmall ==== Check the model with invariant b /= 4 it will find the state sequence needed.